Tuesday, March 9, 2010


"Score!  This baby's mine!"  She pushed him aside, gave him the best her left elbow had to offer, as she spied her prey on the top shelf, almost--but not quite--out of reach.  "E, for elephant."

He crossed his arms and glared.  "Okay, I think you may have injured my spleen.  You really are insane.  Sometimes I'm not exactly sure what I see in you."

She smiled and clutched the small wooden elephant that much more tightly.  "You couldn't do without me, and you know it.  Besides, you're just mad I'm beating you.  And your spleen will be fine."

"I guess I should have known better than to engage you in an alphabetic thrifting competition.  Remind me to bring along a white flag should I ever happen to challenge you to a game hunt on the savanna."

She turned from their shopping basket to face him.  "I keep telling you, Sweetie: never attempt to out-shop a woman.  Speaking of white flags, since we're only going to "H" today, you really should surrender now and get it over with.  How about some coffee and a pastry back at home?"

He spotted a white cotton pillowcase in the linens bin, pulled it out with a flourish, and waved it overhead.


Tess Kincaid said...

Alphabetic thrifting? Now that's something I would enjoy. This was such a charming vignette!

Vicki Lane said...

Now there's a fun idea for competitive flea-marketing!

Good story-telling!

OneCraftyFox said...

Very cute! Such sweet determination...

Brian Miller said...

cute tale...may just have to try that one with my wife..

Catalyst said...

Very nice! Loved the husband waving the "white flag."

rel said...

being a quick learner, I think I'll pass on any shopping trips with thou! ;)

Suz said...

Oh my....it's the white flag of surrender.....very nice way to end it
AND I am going to try this game with my friend.....love a little competition!

joanna said...

That's a good game --- clever gal.

Although I would agree I would wave the white flag and just tag along with thou.


C.M. Jackson said...

what fun! loved this! Talk about power shopping!!

rob kistner said...

Your work is bold your spirit is awesome, and you are courageous and free -- come visit me…

http://image-verse.com = Image & Verse

Hausfrau said...

Poetikat, I agree it would have followed to have the husband employ an "F" item rather than a pillowcase. That would have been a nice touch, but I couldn't think of a good item, and anyway, I wanted to show that he really was giving up rather than continuing with the game...

Jennifer said...

Oh - now there's a fun idea, alphabetic thrift shopping... Nice scenemaking here Hausfrau, effortless dialogue.

The Muse said...

sweet surrender?
i think so!

a truly unique application and read on the imagery into the tale ...
i am delighted to read an out of the box and off the shelf blog post ..LOL

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