I've just come from a special academic award ceremony for The Boy and a handful of his school-mates (so proud of him!). A reception followed. May I just say that 8:30 a.m. is too early for cake for pretty much everyone besides a sixth-grader? Actually, 8:30 is too early for most things, in my opinion. Because I'm tired from getting up too early and also from the effects of a virus I apparently had all last week, I'm not in a blogging groove today. I think I'll take a nap instead.
But I'll leave you for now with a couple of random photos from my house. Also, I just found the blog Ensuite. These two French sisters write about and take photos of interesting, real (not hyper-designed) Parisian flats, including the home of the fantastic Nathalie Lété. You know I'm a big fan of hers. Happy Monday!