Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, Monday

I've just come from a special academic award ceremony for The Boy and a handful of his school-mates (so proud of him!).  A reception followed.  May I just say that 8:30 a.m. is too early for cake for pretty much everyone besides a sixth-grader?  Actually, 8:30 is too early for most things, in my opinion.  Because I'm tired from getting up too early and also from the effects of a virus I apparently had all last week, I'm not in a blogging groove today.  I think I'll take a nap instead.  

But I'll leave you for now with a couple of random photos from my house.  Also, I just found the blog Ensuite.  These two French sisters write about and take photos of interesting, real (not hyper-designed) Parisian flats, including the home of the fantastic Nathalie Lété.  You know I'm a big fan of hers.  Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Test Blog

This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post. 

This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.

This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post. 

This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.This is some text to test out what the layout would be like of this post.

 Love Diane xx


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  • I may occasionally receive monetary compensation for my recommendation, endorsement, and/or link to certain products and services. In the case of affiliate links, no advertiser will ever directly influence content on this blog. Some links are added based solely on merit, without any compensation whatsoever. Any and all content written on this personal blog is by me, Fairytale Hausfrau.